I sell the board of beech not edged, dry, steamed. Humidity from 8-10%. Also transport humidity A / B, B / C, A / B / C grade.
Also available on CFR terms
We will make for you timber from spruce (Picea abies Karst) and pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) 1,2,3 grades STB 1713-2007, 15 - 300 mm thick, 15 - 300 mm wide and 500 - 6000 mm long depending on the customer's wishes. Monthly volume of deliveries of sawn softwood 250 cubic meters. Humidity according to
Лосяков В.Я., ИП
29 Aug 2019
Ads found within the radius of 60 km from Tel Aviv - Yafo
Wood species: pine (category D, dead wood)
Drying method: AD
We are looking for partners for long-term cooperation.
In stock and on order:
Construction timber (thickness from 30mm, length 3000 / 4000mm)
Edged board, pallet (thickness from 16mm, length 3000 / 4000mm)
Wooden sleepers
Wood species: pine (category D, dead wood)
Drying method: AD
We are looking for partners for long-term cooperation.
In stock and on order:
Construction timber (thickness from 30mm, length 3000 / 4000mm)
Edged board, pallet (thickness from 16mm, length 3000 / 4000mm)
Wooden sleepers
We produce edged and unedged boards, kitchens and parquet elemets and lamella made of solid wood species. (espescially ash and oak) . Delivery from Ukraine to EU countries is possible. For more information, write and drop your specifications.
Good day!
Our company is a direct manufacturer of lumber. We are located in Ukraine, Vinnitsa region
We cut the pallet blank, timber, boards.
Conifers. We cut on the disk equipment. Timber of multisaw quality.
Tel, VibER, Vtsap Alina