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Спреды в Иерусалиме

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"Appetito" spread (French ) 62.5%
0.80 шек/шт FCA
Appetito spreads are made on the basis of cream obtained from cow's milk with the addition of vegetable fat, which makes them more delicious. The composition is more balanced for a healthy eating culture. It is recommended for direct consumption, for the preparation of sandwiches, for baking,
+12 объявлений
24 фев 2021
"Appetito" Margarine All-purpose 60%
0.24 шек/шт FCA
Margarine "Appetito" in consumer packaging is used in all types of baking: cakes, pastries, cookies, cakes, pies, rolls, and also used as the main ingredient in creams and other fillings - all kinds of sandwiches and toasts are made from margarine, used to make shortcake and puff pastry. Our
+12 объявлений
24 фев 2021
"Appetito" Margarine All-purpose 72%
0.28 шек/шт FCA
Margarine "Appetito" in consumer packaging is used in all types of baking: cakes, pastries, cookies, cakes, pies, rolls, and also used as the main ingredient in creams and other fillings - all kinds of sandwiches and toasts are made from margarine, used to make shortcake and puff pastry. Our
+12 объявлений
24 фев 2021
"Appetito" Margarin(Premium) 82%
0.30 шек/шт FCA
Margarine “Appetito” in consumer packaging is used in all types of pastries: cakes, pastries, cookies, cakes, pies, rolls, and are also used as the main ingredient in creams and other fillings - margarines are made from all types of sandwiches and toasts, used for making shortbread and puff pastry.
+12 объявлений
24 фев 2021
"Appetito" Margarine for puff pastry 82%
0.30 шек/шт FCA
Margarine "Appetito" in consumer packaging is used in all types of baking: cakes, pastries, cookies, cakes, pies, rolls, and is also used as the main ingredient in creams and other fillings - all kinds of sandwiches and toasts are made from margarine, they are used for making shortbread and puff
+12 объявлений
24 фев 2021
Найдены объявления в радиусе 60 км от Иерусалима
Спреды сладкосливочные в ассортименте/Spread (Butter Blend)
Спреды сладкосливочные в ассортименте/Spread (Butter Blend) - фото 1
Спреды сладкосливочные в ассортименте/Spread (Butter Blend) - фото 2
+1 фото
Спреды сладкосливочные в ассортименте/Spread (Butter Blend) - фото 3
Цена по запросу
Company “Favoryt” presents Spread (Butter Blend) - product made of mixture of vegetable and dairy fats. Packing: foil pack 200 g, polyethylene tube 400 g and cardboard boxes 5, 10, 20 kg. The main advantage of spread is its plastic consistency and light creamy taste. This product is considered by
+4 объявления
23 окт 2024
"Appetito" spread (Irish ) 72.5%
0.93 шек/шт FCA
Appetito spreads are made on the basis of cream obtained from cow's milk with the addition of seed oil, which makes them more delicious. The composition is more balanced for a healthy eating culture. It is recommended for direct consumption, for the preparation of sandwiches, for baking, frying,
+12 объявлений
24 фев 2021
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