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Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil
Sunflower oil - фото 1
Обновлено: 8 июня 2024, 10:34 ID: 1717311
880 $/тонна
Fenil, LLC Явне, IL
на Флагма с 25 марта 2018
Slavutsky Evgeny
director department of trade


Colored number mg to the iodine 25
Acid number mg KOH, %, no more 2
Peroxide value, ½ O mmol / kg, not more 7
Mass fraction of phosphorus-containing substances, %, no
more than - in terms of sterearolecitin 0.6
Mass fraction of moisture and volatile substances, %, no
more than 0,2
Flashpoint oil extraction, ° C, min 225
The residual amount of the solvent, mg / kg, not more than 300

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Fenil, LLC Явне, IL
Работает на Флагма с 25 марта 2018
Slavutsky Evgeny
director department of trade
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Slavutsky Evgeny
Director department of trade
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Fenil, LLC Slavutsky Evgeny, Director department of trade
Sunflower oil
880 $/тонна ID: 1717311
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