Used gas engine MWM 1.2 MW, cogeneration, 2016
Dvigun Virobnik MWM (Nimechchyna)
Engine type TCG 2020V12
Power kW 1200
RPM 1500
Palivo Natural Gas - Methane
Generator MARELLI
Voltage 400 V
Hz 50
Rik preparation 2016
Godinnik roboti 34 600
Gas piston engine with generator - cogeneration unit 1200 kW, 44% efficiency factor
mixtures refrigeration
emergency cooler
thermal block
motor block
refrigeration unit sumishi
exhaust gas heat exchanger
generator housing
management team
Oil capacity - 1000 liters of fresh oil /1000 liters of prepared oil
Mill: 50% completion, after maintenance, after installation in a small number of years of work:
Zrobleno robots with GPA:
- overhaul of the generator, overhaul of the turbocharger.
-New cylinder heads
-New sleeves
-New pistons
-New refrigeration system
-New connecting rods + bearings
-New shaft seals
-Nova shafa keruvannya generator 2023